Welcome to Mikey's Website
Being Responsible
Everything you do is based on the choice you make.
It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the
the weather, an argument or your age that is to blame.
You and only you
are responsible for every decision and choice you make.
Government Assistance
Lots of people today are
satisfied to be on the public dole. Section eight, food stamps, extended (and
extended) unemployment, free housing,
free medical care, free daycare, etc. I
know of people who have come from very poor economic regions that have
flourished in society
because they gave a damn and worked at education and
improving their lot in life.
The bottom line is some people are privileged enough to have their parents steer
them to Harvard, some people are in the right spot at
the right time, others
work hard and earn a “decent” lifestyle, but sadly, it seems the bulk of people
today lean towards
being satisfied to have the government provide everything. I
don’t feel sorry for those that have less, except in those
cases where true
“families” have split, and financial trouble sets in. I do not feel bad for the
bottom feeder males and females
that simply keep reproducing ad-nauseam with no
plan to afford it. Linda & I had one child so we could give him
the world, or at
least everything we could!
I, myself, was a poor student but applied myself after public school. Everyone
in the US has the “opportunity”
to attend (and learn in) school, not just sit in
school, and the opportunity to make the most out of it. Tough shit on those
don’t apply themselves. Tough shit on those that are satisfied living in their
own lower income social environment
(sub culture) rather than mainstream
America. Rot in hell and keep your hands out of MY pockets.
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You can email me at: mikey@mikey51s.com
Type with ya soon!!!!